What this site is ...

Foremost, it represents a cross section of thinking about the use of the World Wide Web as a tool for instruction and for learning. It began as an experiment in the collaborative writing of stage plays and evolved to encompass considerably more. The potential is astronomical, and in many ways applicable across a wide spectrum of content areas and student interests.

The YCMHS Wiki

The Tikiwiki Content Management System (CMS) is the software brawn that runs this part of the site. While to some it may apear plain, a lot of powerful tools lie beneath. There are many CMS available; this one just happened to satisfy many creative content withough the often distracting bells and whistles of web glitz. A range of features is available: the collaborative wiki writing tool, blogs, forums, messaging systems, RSS feed capabilities and more. On the admninistrative site, sophisticated administration tools allow quite complex security structures.

Fairy Tales

The Fairy Tales referenced are a small set of stories I gleaned from Gutenberg.org's site. I use these ase reference and starting points in dramatic script writing. This is pretty utilitarian stuff. No bells or whistles, just plain text. If it's of use to you, I am gratified.

The Calendar

This is a Joomla CMS site, which I use for my own nefarious notes and devious purposes. The calendar here is avalable for those who want to use it. Mainly it details general school events, some course related dates, and theatre dates. If you feel it may be of use to you, or you want to administer part of it, let me know.

For information and access to content areas and students' work, please log in at the YCMHS Wiki





Mr. Lorne A. Cooke
Computer Programming 12
Data Processing 12
Drama 10

Staff advisor - Pillaging Furclad Scandinavians Theatre Company

Tel:(902) 749-2810
Fax:(902) 749-2811